In this series, we uncover the secrets of successful grad school students.
Michael Hillmer, Spring 2023 Online Master of Science Computer Science graduate, shares his experience juggling grad school with military life.
Left to right: Kiera Tran, executive vice president, and Haden Boone, president
A message from Will Reichard, former Graduate Student Government Association (Grad SGA) president.
Andy Frazee shares how the Marion L. Brittain Postdoctoral Fellows bring excellence and innovation to Tech both inside and outside the classroom.
This third year’s GTRI Graduate Student Research Fellowship Program (GSFP) will further the research collaboration across Georgia Tech’s schools and colleges, leading to innovations in everything from artificial intelligence to international policy.
Current Georgia Tech graduate student Devesh Dalmia (CmpE ‘21) knew he had to find a way to stand out in the highly competitive field of computer engineering. Dalmia used his ingenuity to hatch a plan that would make him unique in his field.
Georgia Tech offers Versatile PhD, a great resource for looking up non-academic careers.
If you’re a graduate student in the market for a fellowship, read on to find out more about upcoming opportunities.
Celebrate the 2nd annual Healthy Campus Week by capturing YOUR healthy campus on Instagram for a chance to win a FitBit or $100 Target card!
Check this list for important events and deadlines coming up this semester.